What can we say about Dakota? Well, she is a brat! Okay, I have to admit she is cute, funny, and knows her way around a dick, but she can be a BRAT too! I mean some of her favorite fetishes are Ball Busting, Small Penis Humiliation and Giantess(and you know how that ends! Do you want to be eaten or crushed? Dakota is a huge tease and who doesn’t like a tease? She loves to play games especially if it puts you in an uncomfortable spot. Dakota’s favorite fetishes are Small Penis Humiliation and Ball Busting! She’s an Evil Little Demon Fairy, isn’t she?!
What can we say about Dakota? Well, she is a brat! Okay, I have to admit she is cute, funny, and knows her way around a dick, but she can be a BRAT too! I mean some of her favorite fetishes are Ball Busting, Small Penis Humiliation and Giantess(and you know how that ends! Do you want to be eaten or crushed? Dakota is a huge tease and who doesn’t like a tease? She loves to play games especially if it puts you in an uncomfortable spot. Dakota’s favorite fetishes are Small Penis Humiliation and Ball Busting! She’s an Evil Little Demon Fairy, isn’t she?!
Även känt som: Joni Henesy, Jonni Hennesy